
Apache configuration file not rebuilding due to: "/usr/local/apache/conf.modules.d: No such file or directory" Apache configuration file not rebuilding due to: "/usr/local/apache/conf.modules.d: No such... Can't update cPanel due to failed or aborted transfers Symptoms If an account transfer fails to complete or you abort it, you cannot update cPanel, and... How to Enable Ioncube on cPanel/WHM How to Enable Ioncube in cPanel/WHM     Procedure Login to WHM (root) Go to... How to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version? How to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version? Many of our clients asked us how can they downgrade... How to fix Read-only file system on /var/tmp/ in whm/cpanel How to fix error: The system failed to create the temporary file /var/tmp/ because of an error:... How to remove MySQL Governor from cPanel /WHM ? We would strongly urge you to have a backup of your MySQL databases before starting this... How to resolve duplicate RPMs ? Procedure Instead of using --cleandupes use the following that will take the list of RPMs and... OPTIMIZE MYSQL & APACHE ON CPANEL/WHM SERVER On this optimization process we will go over the Apache core configuration and modules that are... SOFTACOLOUS INSTALLATION NOT WORKING ON CPANEL, UNABLE TO INSTALL SOFTACOLOUS ON CPANEL SOFTACOLOUS INSTALLATION NOT WORKING ON CPANEL   [root@host ~]# ./install.shLoaded plugins:... iproute package conflict with old CloudLinux kernel packages iproute package conflict with old CloudLinux kernel packages   Error: iproute conflicts with... rebuildhttpconf error: "undefined symbol: ap_parse_strict_length" rebuildhttpconf error: "undefined symbol: ap_parse_strict_length"   Error type : httpd:...
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